Stories of TRUST is an award-winning 10-part series about a perfect trifecta. The Public Trust Doctrine is a legal doctrine that traces back to Roman times and holds governments accountable to protect the resources we all share in common and depend upon for our very survival. The principle of inter-generational justice is enshrined in international human rights law and simply put, it means that the adults can't have a party on the planet and leave it a mess for our kids. Combine the Public Trust Doctrine with the principles of inter-generational justice and passionate youth who are fighting for their future in both the courts and on the streets, and we have the perfect trifecta. Why? Because youth across the country are bringing legal actions - based on trust - against the federal and state governments so we will all open our eyes and protect our atmosphere and our futures with smart strategies rooted in science
A Climate of TRUST
Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor
In May 2011, a hatch of unprecedented legal actions took place across the United States - youth from around the country were taking their governments to court for failure to protect their atmosphere for future generations. The basis of their legal actions was the Public Trust Doctrine. "A Climate of TRUST" is a story about the scientists who developed the scientific prescriptions needed for a climate recovery plan, the attorney who figured out how to apply the Public Trust Doctrine to the atmosphere, and one of the attorneys who is supporting these youth in court.
In order to preserve and restore our atmosphere, we need to return atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to 350 ppm, and in order to do that, we need massive reforestation and climate recovery plans. We need it NOW!
TRUST: The Climate Kids
Producer, Director, Co-Cinematographer, Editor
In 2014, a group of kids from Eugene, Oregon decided that they wanted to be the first city in the country to pass a Climate Recovery Ordinance that would commit their city to carbon neutrality. Through hard work and dedication, these kids were successful. Hopefully their work can inspire communities across the country to take similar action.
Barrelmaker Productions is proud to support the incredible work that many conservation and environmental groups are engaged in. Our goals are similar, and through the use of storytelling and visuals, we are able to help them engage an audience in supporting their work and their cause.
Barrelmaker Productions is proud to support the incredible work that many conservation and environmental groups are engaged in. Our goals are similar, and through the use of storytelling and visuals, we are able to help them engage an audience in supporting their work and their cause.
Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center
Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor
Harlequin Ducks are an iconic species in Glacier National Park. Because they live on small glacier-fed rivers and streams within the park, and because they are quite shy and elusive, few people ever see them. Increased traffic to the park and subsequent road construction disturbs these typically quiet creatures; however, the impacts of climate change are an even greater threat. Get to know some of the scientists and the research that is being done on behalf of these gentle Lords and Ladies.
Center for American Progress
Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor
For years, Melissa Nootz lived in Anaconda, Montana, a Superfund site. During that time she had two miscarriages and a daughter who tested with high levels of lead in her blood. She has always wondered - were they connected to the legacy of industrial pollution near her town? We need a strong Environmental Protection Agency to ensure millions of Americans have clean air, water and health.
Finding Traction (a film by Jaime Jacobsen)
Finding Traction presents the inspirational story of ultra runner Nikki Kimball's quest to become the fastest person in history to run America's oldest hiking trail, Vermont's 273-mile Long Trail. Through Nikki’s incredible journey, racing towards a dream and against time, we gain a new perspective on what we all share in terms of endurance and the human spirit.